All About This Site

Hey, I'm TD - welcome to the site.  I'm going to keep this short and sweet about what my purpose of this site is.

So, here we go...

My entire goal behind this site is to document my keyboard builds and reviews, along with switch reviews when I can.  I plan to keep these short and to the point, since I have no desire to go that in depth most of the time and I feel like quick and to the point feedback and thoughts are more helpful.  With that said, some post might get long but will always include a too long, didn't read (tl;dr) summary.

To summarize: these will be very quick, hardly detailed, and coming from the standpoint of a simple hobbyist who is just in it for the fun and that's it.  These will not be scientific at all.

That's it. That's my goal.  It also keeps a running tally on what I have built so far.

You can find me on Twitch where I do keyboard builds or on YouTube where I upload build vods and sound tests, alongside the occasional gaming video.