

Welcome to another quick switch review. Before we jump into anything, please remember that these are not in depth reviews, nor will they ever be. These are my quick reviews, and that's that. Now...

Initial Thoughts
These switches do not come with lube by default. This plays into their strength, as tactiles should be lubed by the person who is using them, as tactile switches need a bit more care with how they are lubed. They feel and sound fine stock, but I'm just not a big tactile person. For a switch that is routinely in stock, they are a solid choice.

I did not modify these switches in any way, and used them stock as they came.

Sound Test
Sound test recorded using a TKC Portico75, using the stock foam and gaskets, and C3 stabilizers lubed with 205g0 and XHT-BDZ. Sound tests are biased and numerous factors play into them; please, keep that in mind and you should ideally listen to multiple sound tests from multiple sources.

Overall Thoughts + Rating
Overall, these switches are fine. I don't know that TKC even stocks these anymore, but you can routinely find them in stock on other vendor sites. I find them to be just fine, but they could probably make use of some lube (and I believe I even see people film them, but I'm not sure they need that). In my completely arbitrary rating system, I give these a 5/10. Honestly, I am just not big on tactiles and from the ones I have tried, there are better options. Also, they are a bit on the pricier side...maybe I should make price a new section in these reviews.